Country : Brighton Hall, Parnell Road Bray County Wicklow Ireland
Biography : Owner of Olive3 studio in Bray
Lisa Temple has been teaching yoga for over 15 years and involved in the arena of health and wellbeing for almost 20 years.
She was recently honored to be appointed Ambassador of the Yoga Alliance International by her teacher Swami Vidyanand is a renowned yoga master and the founder of Transformational Yoga .Olive 3 studio has also been appointed as the first TIME meditation training school of the Meditation Alliance International. She has studied and obtained teacher qualifications with some of the most well internationally well respected Masters such as Deepak Chopra, Sri Joytish Patel and Swami Vidyanand who is the Founder and President Yoga Alliance India, Yoga Alliance Asia – Pacific, Yoga Alliance International and Srima School of Yoga. She has obtained her Masters qualification under from Swami Vidyanand and is hoping to complete her Grand Master program under his personal tutelage. She is also studying Advanced Ayrvedic Yoga Therapy with Dr David Frawley founder of The American Institute of Vedic Studies.
Her classes are accessible to all levels of Yoga and focus on the individual needs of each pupil, bringing balance and harmony to mind body and soul.
She has been certified by the Yoga Alliance International to deliver Yoga Teacher Training Courses . Currently Lisa is training 11 new teachers on her teacher training course. “The exciting thing about this course is the varied professional backgrounds of the teachers. They come from finance, Secondary School teachers, media, Science, and sport. Each student is also specialising in the development of a thesis in applying Yoga to their own particular field of professional and personal experience. Lisa is truly passionate about the practical application of Yoga to everyday life rather then it just being seen as an escape. Yoga gives us the tools to cope and respond to various situations rather than just living in reaction and flight or flight. Transformational Yoga enables us to detoxify our energy systems in an ever increasingly stressful and fast past world.
Lisa has also recently graduated from UCD (University College Dublin) in Arbitration and Law and combines her Yoga and Legal experience to assist couples in achieving a peaceful and economic closure to separation and divorce.
SCHOOL - Olive 3 Studio
Tags : Co- Director

Name : Sharon O’Neill
Country : Ireland
Biography : Sri Radha Sharon is the Golden Glow Yoga Director who is leading the YTTC's. She is an enlightened Senior Yoga and Meditation Master, a member of The British Wheel of Yoga, an Ambassador for SriMa Transformational Yoga and Director of SriMa Ireland.
Sharon is passionate about all eight limbs of yoga and is inspired by the timeless teachings of Shri Krishnamacharya, an amazing healer and yoga teacher who was the inspiration behind many modern Hatha schools (Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa, Viniyoga).
She has dedicated her life to the wide study and awareness of the various Hatha schools and the fun of vinyasa flow and her enthusiasm enhances the teaching mix beautifully, making for the most enjoyable of yoga courses all with the discipline of loving kindness.
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Tags : CYT 500 Hour

Country : Kilkenny, Ireland
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Country : Bray, Ireland
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Country : Ireland
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Tags : CYT 200hr