Online Grand Master of Yoga, Teacher Training with Swami Vidyanand
Only for Experienced Teachers who have completed a 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
12 Sessions of 2 hours each
Session dates and timings determined after Interview Process
To signup, email: contact@grandmasteryogacourse.com
or call +91-9810670711

Online 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training with Swami Vidyanand
This course equips you with the knowledge, confidence and inspiration you need to become a balanced and serene individual and an outstanding yoga teacher. This training will give you a fantastic set of tools to become an exceptional Transformational Yoga® teacher and lead others in their practice.
Online 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training with Swami Vidyanand
Every Month
Format: 60 Sessions of 120 Minutes each OVER 3 months
Monday to Friday 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm (India Standard Time)
To signup, email: contact@transformationalyoga.org
or call +91-9810670711

Online 500 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training with Swami Vidyanand
This Master-level course intends to provide you the comprehensive knowledge, and true confidence you need in order to become an inspiring yoga master and a harmonious individual capable of guiding others in their own practice of yoga.ave completed a 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Every Month
Format: 80 Sessions of 120 Minutes each OVER 4 months
Monday to Friday: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm (India Standard Time)
To signup, email: contact@transformationalyoga.org
or call +91-9810670711
Online Integral Kundalini Meditation Course with Swami Vidyanand
Every Month
Format: 4 Weekly Sessions
Every Saturday: 11 am to 1230 pm (India Standard Time)
To signup, email: contact@transformationalyoga.org
or call +91-9810670711
Learn about real and practical aspects of Kundalini under the guidance of Swami Vidyanand. Understanding the relevance of Kundalini and chakra in our lives. This course will have content that is otherwise not available in books or on the internet. The knowledge and systems are unique to Swami Vidyanand and his Teachings and will completely change your perspective and practical experience and understanding of Kundalini.
You will discover the yogic keys for the purification of Mooladhara, Swadisthana, Manipura, and Anahata. Learn how to establish a sustained communication with the higher self through Integral meditation.
Online Science of Meditation Course with Swami Vidyanand
Level 1 - Self Awakening and Self Purification
Learn under the direct Guidance of Swami Vidyanand.
Purification Untransformed Self, Apara Nature - untransformed Physical Body, Untransformed Prana Body, Untransformed Mental Body and Untrasnformed Pyschic Body.
Purification of the Untransformed Self and communication with the Transformed Self, Para Nature
Practical Method.
Transformed self, Para Nature.
17 to 21 August, 2020
Format: 5 Sessions - Monday to Friday:
11 am to 1230 pm (India Standard Time)
To signup, email: contact@transformationalyoga.org
or call +91-9810670711
Online Self Transformational Yoga Course with Swami Vidyanand
Learn to bring peace and calm into yourself and understand the philosophy and practice of Yoga. During this course, you will receive foundation level training in the Transformational Yoga® system, providing you a fantastic set of tools to become an expert Yoga practitioner. Meditation has always been an integral part of Yoga, that is why all along the training you will also receive meditation insights to help the purification process and rising of dormant energy.
Starts September 5th, 2020
Format: 8 weekly sessions over 2 months
Every Saturday: 11 am to 12:30 pm (India Standard Time)
To signup, email: contact@transformationalyoga.org
or call +91-9810670711