Name : Srdjan Jovanovic
Country : Serbia
Biography : Born and raised in Belgrade Serbia, Srdjan lived for almost 20 years all around Europe (Greece, Italy, Hungary, Poland, etc.) being a professional basketball player. While in sports, he found Yoga, which helped him to reduce injuries and improve spiritual development. Srdjan is licensed FIBA couch and Transformational Yoga instructor. At the moment he is based in Belgrade, with his wife Nina, who is Yoga instructor too, and one year old son, Alexey. Srdjan is the first Transformational Yoga teacher in Serbia, and Director of the SriMa School Serbia branch.
Tags : 500 Level Master, Country Director, Grand Master

Sladjana Tosic completed her YAI-certified TTC under the guidance of Srdjan Jovanovic.

Nina Ivanisevic completed her YAI-certified TTC under the guidance of Srdjan Jovanovic.

Lauren McAlister completed her YAI-certified TTC under the guidance of Srdjan Jovanovic.