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Deep exploration through Transformational Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga


200 Level TTC: 1st – 21st June 2015

100 Level TTC: 1st – 11th June 2015


Our healing, rejuvenating and compassionate approach to teacher training begins with you. Whether you’re seeking to change your career, looking for a new life style or simply wanting to deepen your understanding of yourself, our Transformational Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) will be a significant part of your journey. Explore through self-practice and study, observe your physical, emotional, mental and psychic bodies. Feel yourself becoming more joyful, loving, focused and present in your life and relationships. Certified by Yoga Alliance International.


See the full Transformational Yoga course syllabus here 



Each day will consist of a follwing
rhythm of practice and learning

  • Deep exploration through Transformational Hatha,
    Yin and Vinyasa

  • Pranayama, mantra and meditation sessions

  • Chakra work, healing, connecting with self and
    collective consciousness

  • Physiology and philosophy group learning and

  • Delicious locally sourced vegetarian meals

  • Time and space for reading and walks in nature

  • Dynamic meditations including dance and movement

  • Individual and group sharing

  • Honouring sacred rituals and sacred spaces



Go deeper in your practice and understanding of yoga systems to detox, relax and recharge

  • Detoxify, purify and clear blockages with Transformational Yoga

  • Relax and restore with Yin nurturing practices

  • Recharge with slow flowing fluid Vinyasa sequences

  • Integrate meditation and self observation

  • Open your heart and step towards consciousness with Bhakti practices

  • Deep relaxation to release tension on multiple dimensions

  • Meet your essence within movement and within stillness





Daily schedule (free day on Sunday 7th and 14th)

  • pre-8.45: Self-practice at the hotel

  • 7.30-8.45: Tea, fruits and nuts available

  • 8.45-8.50: Walk to the yoga studio (5 mins)

  • 9.00-10.20: Morning creative Vinyasa flow

  • 10.30-12.00: Integral Transformational Yoga  (with asana, pranayama and mantra)

  • 12.00-13.00: Brunch at hotel (vegetarian salads with yogurts, fruit, nuts, juice)

  • 13.00-16.00: Free time – rest, walk, beach, etc

  • 16.00-18.30: Theory followed by mantra healing

  • 18.30-20.00: Evening restorative Yin, Transformational and Yoga Nidra

  • 20.15-21.30: Dinner

  • 22.00-22.30: Meditation – exploring different practices


Also included: 

Yoga Alliance International certification

Transformational Yoga training manual Accommodation in shared room

Delicious vegetarian meals

One-to-one guidance with your lead tutor

Summer solstice celebration ritual on 21st June 



All course teaching, practical sessions, materials, certification, food and accommodation are included. The practical and theory sessions take place at the beautiful Paros Yoga Shala and accommodation is at the tranquil Sunrise Hotel Apartments in Paros with swimming pool and wonderful views, just five minutes walk away from the yoga studio. We will take a short walk to the Open Garden Restaurant a delicious dinner will be prepared for us. 


Flights and boat and transfers not included (see “Getting here” information below). 



Optional extras: 

  • Hiking

  • Aerial yoga

  • Singing bowl

  • healing Reiki and massage

  • Creating rituals











Your guides


                                           Irana JiAn (Yogratna) is a senior teacher, and welcomes you to                                                             Paros for your TTC.She will help  you to bring greater awareness into                                                daily life. “Simply live, present to the moment, follow your heart, listen                                              to the wisdom whispered on the breath of life every day. I have been                                                 teaching for a number of years and I feel a great joy in seeing                                                             practitioners heal  and transform themselves and their lives                                                               through yoga practice. For me as a teacher it is Important to teach                                                   yoga as  conscious evolution. As a means for coming  closer to                                                            our essence, getting the sense of integrity, stability and presence                                                     through embodiment as well as a strong Earth connection. By                                                           synchronizing breath and movement, I guide students from external                                                  alignment to the awareness of internal space and freedom.




                                          Katy Robinson (Krsnakali) is a yoga and meditation master, and a co-                                               director of the SriMa International School of Transformational Yoga.                                                 She has been practising  yoga since 1999,leading her into deeper                                                       studies with different forms of yoga including Transformational,                                                       Sivananda and Yoga for Anxiety and Depression.“Connecting body,                                                   breath, heart, mind and soul has brought an awareness and inner                                                     stillness I didn’t believe  was possible before. I love being in this space                                             of  teacher and eternal student, and hope we can share the magic of                                               yoga too.Close your eyes, breathe and become present to your                                                         intention.”







Your investment

  • 21 days / 200 level: The standard level 200 hour
    Transformational Yoga Teacher Training Course is a 21 day
    intensive course, and your financial investment is
    2200 Euros.

  • 11 days / 100 level (for those wishing to develop their own
    practice and understanding, or to work towards a 200 level,
    or to add to an existing certification for continuing
    professional development): The 100 level self
    transformation / self purification programme is an 11 day
    intensive course, and your financial investment is
    1200 Euros, which includes everything mentioned above.
    For eleven days, free yourself in two daily yoga practices,
    nurture yourself with fresh, locally sourced food and take
    time out for yourself. Whether relaxing by the pool or
    walking around the island – make time for yourself and just
    be. If you are coming for a self-purification retreat rather
    than to become a teacher, you do not have to attend all
    sessions, though it brings deep learning and personal
    benefit. For elevent days self-purification your investment is less than for teacher training as you do not require certification, but if you decide you would like to gain your basic level teacher training that can be arranged when we are in Paros.

  • 7 days self purification detox deepening practice: As the 11 day course, but financial investment is 800 Euros.

If you would like to join us on a non-residential basis you are most welcome, and your investment is as follows:

  • 21 days / 200 level: Own food and accommodation=1200 Euros // Non-residential with food=1800 Euros

  • 11 days / 100 level: Own food and accommodation=650 Euros // Non-residential with food=950 Euros

  • 7 days self purification detox deepening practice: Own food and accommodation=425 Euros // Non-residential with food=625 Euros


Getting here and away


  • Fly with Easyjet or Ryanair to Athens, then take the boat from Piraeus to Paros 

  • A bus shuttles from Athens airport to Piraeus port

  • Boats depart daily from Piraeus at 07.25 and arrive to Paros at 11.40

  • Boats depart daily from Paros at 19.15 and arrive Piraeus at 23.15

  • Arrive in Paros in the morning of Monday 1st June, then settle and begin the
    TTC gently in the afternoon

  • Depart Paros in the evening of Monday 22nd June after a beautiful
    closing ceremony the previous evening, on the Summer Solstice

  • If you would like to extend your stay in Paros for a few days, we can help to
    arrange this 


Reserve your place

  • Please contact Katy on to reserve your place

  • Or if you have any questions about the course or would like to discuss a payment
    plan or any other details email or call on +447748849829

We looking forward to leading you on your yoga teaching journey and sharing
this transformative experience with you.

With light and love,
Irana and Katy xx

“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to
kneel and kiss the ground.”
~ Rumi





















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Our HQ - near Auroville/Pondicherry:

Sri Meerambigai Garden, C.M. Chavady no.95, 

Near Le Ciel Homestay, Near Auroville Main Road,

Kottakupam,Villupuram District 605104, Tamil Nadu, India

New Delhi Branch:
117 A, 3rd Floor, Mandi Road, New Manglapuri, Near Chattarpur Metro Station, New Delhi – 110030, India.

Gurgaon Branch:

F 3/2, DLF Phase1, opposite community center, gurugram, India.

Tel: +91 9810670711, 9711884199, 7011852137, 9810680711 /

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